Hospital Management

HMS is an affordable and easy medical or clinic management system for keeping patient records and Hospital activities. The hospital management system is an internet-based open source or cloud server integrated software that aims to make easy management of a hospital. A hospital management system integrates all information relating to Authority Panel activities, Patients Records, Doctors Activities, Hospital Employee work details, Functional & Financials details under a secured database. The whole software is sectioned for numerous departments and professionals like Admin, Doctor, Nurse, IPD, OPD, Laboratory, and Pathology that compose a hospital but put them into a Computer. So, a Manager or the whole Managerial Body can easily operate the hospital without any hassle.

  1. ATD/In-Patient Management
  2. Caregiver /Nursing
  3. Inpatient Billing & Cash Collection
  4. Inpatient Clinic /ICM
  5. OPD Management
  6. Outpatient Clinic /OCM
  7. Consultant Appointment, Machine Appointment
  8. Ambulance Management
  9. Assets Store Management
  10. BioMedical
  11. Blood Bank Management
  12. Budgeting
  13. Cafeteria
  14. Contract Management
  15. CSSD
  16. Diagnostic Management
  17. Dialysis
  18. Dietary Management
  19. Doctor Accounting
  20. Drug Stores & Pharmacy
  21. Accident & Emergency
  22. Enquiry & Report Delivery
  23. Equipment Management
  24. Executive Information
  1. Facility Management
  2. Financial Accounting
  3. Fixed Assets
  4. Food and Beverage
  5. GRM /Guest Relation Management
  6. Hospital MIS
  7. HRD Management
  8. Duty Roaster
  9. Imaging Reporting System
  10. Infection Control
  11. Laundry and Linen
  12. Laundry Billing
  13. Library Management
  14. Master Health Checkup
  15. Materials Stores
  16. Medical Record /MRD
  17. MIS Dashboard
  18. Operation Theatre /OT Management
  19. Outpatient Pharmacy
  20. Parking Management
  21. Physiotherapy
  22. Radiology
  23. Sample collection
  24. Software management
  • Superpower administrative module
  • OPD Management
  • IPD Management
  • Hospital activity management
  • Operation Theatre Management
  • Drug Stores & Pharmacy Management
  • Blood Bank Management
  • Hospital Information System
  • Diagnostic Management
  • IT Management
  • Website Integration
  • Doctors, Nurse, Employee Management

    Web Version


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